w3-main,w3-container,w3-blue-grey,w3-row,div { id: "main-div"; style: "width: 100vw; height: auto; background-color: lightgrey; display: flex; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;"; w3-cell,w3-mobile,w3-container,div { id: "main-layout-container"; style: "height: 100%; width: 100%; display: flex;"; w3-navbar,w3-cell,w3-top,w3-hide-small,div { style: "height: 23vmin; width: 100%; max-height: 23vmin; display: flex; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; right: 0px;"; w3-container,div { style: "width: 100%; height: 100%; position: relative; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; right: 0px; "; tech-panel { style: "width: 100%;" tech-border-color: "white" tech-shadow-color: "green" tech-width: "1px" tech-top-left: "20px 20px" tech-bottom-left: "0px 0px"; tech-top-right: "20px 20px" tech-bottom-right: "0px 0px"; w3-bar,w3-display-container,div { style: "width: 100%; height: 100%"; w3-display-topleft,w3-bar-item,div { style: "width: 25%; height: 50%"; w3-label,w3-text-white,div { text: "Search"; w3-input,input { } } } w3-display-topright,w3-bar-item,div { id: "mainWindowLoginStatus"; w3-center,span { text: "Logged in as"; } br { } w3-center,w3-bold,span { text: "user@domain.com"; } } w3-display-bottomright,w3-bar-item,div { style: "width: 15%;"; w3-text-green,w3-title,w3-padding-top-32,w3-padding-right-32,h3 { text: "</q-html>"; } } } } } } w3-panel,w3-row,w3-blue-grey,w3-quarter,w3-left,div { style: "padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 15vmin; height: 70vmax; width: 23vmax;"; w3-sidebar,w3-column,w3-hide-small,w3-stretch,div { tech-border-color: "black"; tech-shadow-color: "white"; tech-width: "0px"; tech-top-right: "20px 20px"; style: "height: 100%; width: 100; margin-top: 5vh; padding-top: 2vh; overflow: visible; background-color: transparent;"; w3-center,w3-padding,tech-panel { style: "margin-top: 5vh; padding: 5vh;"; tech-shadow-color: "white"; tech-border-color: "black"; tech-top-dent: "3px"; tech-width: "0px"; tech-top-dent-length: "5%"; tech-top-right: "5px"; tech-top-left: "5px"; tech-bottom-right: "5px"; tech-bottom-left: "5px"; w3-padding-16,w3-cell-row,w3-justify { div { style: "overflow: hidden; wrap: no-wrap;" tech-top-right: "20px"; tech-top-left: "20px"; w3-center { span { style: "margin-left: 20%"; text: "🏠" } a { style: "margin-right: 10%; margin-left: 10%; overflow: hidden; wrap: no-wrap;"; text: "️Welcome" onclick: "setContentPanel('Welcome')"; href: "javascript:void(0)" } } } div { w3-center { span { style: "margin-left: 22%"; text: "ℹ️ " } span { style: "margin-right: 9%; margin-left: 12%; overflow: hidden; wrap: no-wrap;"; text: "️ Support" } } } div { w3-center { span { style: "margin-left: 20%"; text: "📥" } a { style: "margin-right: 10%; margin-left: 10%; overflow: hidden; wrap: no-wrap;"; text: "️Downloads" onclick: "setContentPanel('Downloads')"; href: "javascript:void(0)" } } } div { w3-center { img { style: "margin-left: 20%; width: 6%; height: 6%;"; src: "wp.svg"; } span { style: "margin-right: 10%; margin-left: 10%; overflow: hidden; wrap: no-wrap;"; text: "️Wordpress" } } } div { w3-center { span { style: "margin-left: 20%"; text: "📝" } a { href: "javascript:void(0)"; onClick: "setContentPanel('Examples');"; style: "margin-right: 10%; margin-left: 10%; overflow: hidden; wrap: no-wrap;"; text: "️ Examples" } } } div { w3-center { img { style: "margin-left: 20%; width: 6%; height: 6%; overflow: hidden; wrap: no-wrap;"; src: "w3.png"; } span { style: "margin-right: 10%; margin-left: 10%; overflow: hidden; wrap: no-wrap;"; text: "w3-tags.js"; } } } } } } } infomation: "***Here is the container for the main area on the right including the heading****"; w3-cell,w3-container,w3-darkgrey,w3-mobile,div { style: "margin-top: 25vmin; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; right: 0px; width: 70vmax; height: 100%;" div { style: "height: 105%; width:100%; background-color: transparent; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; right: 0px;"; w3-panel,w3-card,div { id: "contentPanelParent" information: "This is the container which contains all of the pages of the site hidden and shown one at a time when requested"; tech-border-color: "white" tech-shadow-color: "green" tech-width: "1px" tech-top-left: "00px 00px" tech-bottom-left: "0px 0px"; tech-top-right: "0px 0px" tech-bottom-right: "0px 0px"; tech-top-dent: "10px"; tech-top-dent-length: "10%"; style: "margin-left: 0%; background: paint(tech-panel); --tech-border-color: white; --tech-shadow-color: green; --tech-width: 1px; --tech-top-left: 00px 00px; height:auto; width: 100%; margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px; padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px; right: 0px;"; div { class: "contentPanel"; id: "contentPanel_Welcome" h2 { text: "Welcome"; } article { text: "Hello and welcome to the q-html home page. Here you can find many different resources relating to q-html, the quick and easy way to create HTML that saves time, effort, and improves readability for developers and search engines. "; } br { } article { text: "If you are like me, you are probably asking yourself: " i { text: " How does it work? " } } article { text: "The answer is actually very simple -- it just works. Unlike many modern scripting languages, q-html is intentionally simple. " } br { } article { text: "Lets start off with an example q-html element to demonstrate. " } h3 { text: "Basic usage" } blockquote { w3-label,span { text: "Simple button with hello world alert message on click" } w3-input,textarea { style: "min-height: 170px" id: "welcomeExample01qhtmlCodeBox" } br { } w3-label,span { text: "Resulting q-html code" } w3-card,w3-white,div { style: "min-height: 170px; padding: 12px"; button { text: "Click Here!" onclick: "alert('Hello world!')" } } } br { } br { } h3 { text: "Nesting and Combining Tags" } article { text: "q-html conveniently allows for any inline attribute to be attached to any element in a declarative, simple way. Nesting is fully supported using brackets and by combining multiple tags together." } blockquote { w3-label,span { text: "Nested elements and combined Elements" } w3-input,textarea { style: "min-height: 240px" id: "welcomeExample02qhtmlCodeBox" } br { } w3-label,span { text: "Resulting q-html code" } w3-card,w3-white,div { style: "min-height: 220px; padding: 12px;"; div { style: "width: 120px; background-color: blue"; text: "Here's a Container div"; br { } a { href: "#" onclick: "alert('hello world!')" text: "Click here" } br { } a,button { href: "#" onclick: "alert('hello world!')" text: "or here!" } } } } br { } br { } h3 { text: "w3-tags.js addon" } article { text: "q-html has an extremely powerful addon, made by the same author, called w3-tags.js. This addon turns q-html into an easy-to-use web building tool. To learn more about w3.css visit " a { href: "https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/default.asp"; text: "https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/"; } } blockquote { w3-label,span { text: "Creating a form with w3.css classes using w3-tags.js"; } w3-input,textarea { style: "min-height: 240px" id: "welcomeExample03qhtmlCodeBox" } br { } w3-label,span { text: "Resulting q-html code" } w3-card,w3-white,div { style: "min-height: 220px; padding: 12px;"; w3-panel,w3-card,w3-form,w3-grey,div { w3-panel { span { text: "First Name"; w3-hover-blue,w3-input,input { type: "text" name: "firstName" } } span { text: "Nickname "; w3-hover-blue,w3-input,input { type: "text"; name: "Nickname"; } } span { text: "Submit Results "; w3-hover-blue,w3-input,w3-button,w3-green,input { type: "submit"; } } } } } } } div { id: "contentPanel_Examples"; class: "w3-hide contentPanel"; h2 { text: "Examples"; } br {} span { text: "w3.css navbar"; } code-view { id: "example01"; } } } div { id: "contentPanel_Downloads"; class: "w3-hide contentPanel"; h2 { text: "Downloads"; } article { text: "Offical Github Repo:" br { } a { href: "https://github.com/mikeNickaloff/qhtml"; text: "https://github.com/mikeNickaloff/qhtml"; } } } } } } }